Seasoned Trial Counsel

When your freedom is on the line, the courtroom can be a scary place. Take solace in our criminal trial experience, from complex felony trials to DWI.

Experienced in Defending Clients Against:

  • Medicaid Fraud

  • Murder / Manslaughter

  • Violation of Court Orders / Contempt

  • State Appeals

  • Federal Appeals

  • Computer crime

  • Possession of illegal images

  • Assault / Battery

  • Domestic Violence

  • Professional Misconduct

Our Trial Record

  • Client was charged with felony theft by deception when she could not pay her motel bill. Client had paid thousands of dollars to the motel after she, her husband, and their dog had lost their home, before finally running out of funds and moving out. Despite this, the State accused Client of theft by deception.

    At trial, Attorney Newhall used payment records and prior statements to get the motel clerk to admit that Client had made numerous cash payments for her motel room that were never recorded in the motel’s books. At close of the State’s case, the court not only dismissed all charges but admonished the State on the record for bringing the case.

  • Client was charged with a felony for growing multiple marijuana plants inside a house’s hidden room. At trial, Attorney Newhall successfully excluded hearsay testimony and unauthenticated documents that the State attempted to use to link Client to the house and its hidden room. On Attorney's Newhall’s motion, the court dismissed all charges at the close of the State’s case.

  • Client was charged with felony assault while on parole. At trial, Attorney Newhall elicited testimony that the alleged “victim” was drunk and attacking a patron who’d helped the bouncer remove them from the bar. Client only got involved when “victim” began kicking the innocent patron in the head. And because others also came to the rescue, no witness could say whether the injuries on “victim” were caused by the client or not. At close of prosecution, the judge agreed with Attorney Newhall and dismissed all charges.

  • Client struck a police car on the highway, causing her vehicle to careen off the road into a tree. She was charged with felony DWI based on hospital blood tests. The court granted Attorney Newhall’s motion to dismiss all charges because the State destroyed client’s blood samples despite having been notified to preserve them.

  • Client was stopped for a minor traffic infraction, but the officer mistook her nervousness and sleep deprivation for intoxication. Despite performing well on field sobriety tests, she was charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). At trial, Attorney Newhall demonstrated that the officer lacked reasonable suspicion to expand the scope of the stop, and the court excluded the evidence and dismissed all charges.